hat we do

Mccawmusic can create music to accompany all visual media, including such productions as

  • corporate videos - commercials - art performances - web-sites, video games - presentations, fitness videos - radio jingles - stings

We can compose music in a wide range of styles, from ambient through quirky-kids-comedy, rock, pop all the way to orchestral. Check out the "Audio" tab.

We will compose and record music to your requirements and either hand over the music to you to fit to your visual work or ,if you can supply digital visual media, Mccawmusic can synchronize the music to the pictures down to individual frames. For an example of this please email Martin or use the contact form - sorry, for copyright reasons videos cannot be published to the web.


ho we are

Mccawmusic is a music production company based near Cambridge (UK).
Cambridge is world-famous on the music scene and many musicians and lyricists of all styles are within easy reach. There are also several large-scale recording studios available locally if required.

Chief composer, arranger and creator of music is Martin Carman, who studied music (and specifically Music for the Media) with Guy Mitchelmore and Richard Attree, both renowned media-music specialists.

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